“El Paso!” Prints and Artist Proofs NOW AVAILABLE!

March 16, 2018Hal MarcusUncategorized1 Comment

“El Paso!” is a real masterpiece.  The original measures 6 feet x 21 feet and includes 71 El Paso Landmarks and Cultural Icons. The original is installed at the Providence Hospital Transmountain Campus!

Get em while they’re HOT OFF the PRESS!

The limited edition numbered prints retail for $69 + tax and the Artist Proofs retail for $100 + tax.

We also have a couple framed prints available as well!

1. American Flag
3. Baile Folklorico
4. Banner Building
5. Bassett Tower
6. Beto O’Rourke’s Home
7. Blue Flame Building
8. Border Patrol Unit
9. Bowie Bakery
10. Caples Building
11. Chico’s Tacos
12. Civic Center
13. County Court House
14. Double Tree Hotel
15. Downtown Arts District
16. Downtown El Paso
17. Downtown Parking Garage
18. El Paso Ambulance
19. El Paso Amigo Man
20. El Paso Community College
21. El Paso’s Iconic Sun
22. ElectriCity Building
23. Elephant on the Mountain
24. Federal Court House
25. FEMAP in Juarez
26. Fire Truck
27. Franklin Mountains
28. Frutiki Cart
29. Hal’s House
30. Holiday Inn express
31. Hospital at Providence Transmountain
32. Hotel Paso del Norte
33. Juarez, Mexico
34. Kress Building
35. La Biblia es la Verdad-Juarez Mountain
36. La Huelga-Migrant Workers Icon
37. Lincoln Park (Chicano Park)
38. Lucha Libre
39. Lucy’s Mexican Café
40. Main Library
41. Mariachis
42. Mexican Flag
43. Mt. Cristo Rey
44. Mundy Park
45. Old Chase building
46. Our Lady of Guadalupe
47. Paseo de Las Luces
48. Plaza de los Lagartos
49. Plaza Hotel
50. Police car
51. Rio Grande
52. Santa Fe Bridge
53. Southwest University Ballpark
54. Spaghetti Bowl
55. St. Patrick’s Cathedral
56. Star on the Mountain
57. Street Car
58. Sun Bowl
59. Sunset Grocery
60. Sunset Heights
61. Temple Mt. Sinai
62. Texas Flag
63. Thunderbird on mountain
64. Transmountain Road
65. Union Depot Train Station
66. United Bank
67. University of Texas at El Paso
68. Vilas School
69. Wells Fargo Building
70. WestStar Bank
71. X (La Equis) Sculpture in Juarez

One Comment

  1. Jody Coy says:

    Hello, I would like to inquire about the El Paso! print. Can you tell me the cost for the print vs the print framed? I work for the Hospitals of Providence Sierra Campus and wanted to hang this in our facility.

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